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You are here: Home > Islam Around the World > What price a great nation?

What price a Great Nation?

"If the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) believe and maintain a righteous life, we will remit their sins and admit them into the blissful Heaven. Had they observed the Torah, the Gospel, and what is revealed herein from their Lord, they would have enjoyed provisions from above them, and from beneath their feet. Some of them are righteous, but most of them are evil doers." [5:65-66]

"If only the people of the various communities believed and maintained a righteous life, we would have showered them with blessings from the heaven and the earth" [7:96]

"God is the One who controls your happiness, or misery. .... God is the One who makes you rich or poor." [53:43, 48]

What Price A Great Nation

A nation that upholds God's laws is guaranteed prominence among the nations of the world, victory, prosperity, and happiness (10:62-64, 16:97, 24:55, 41:30-31). On the other hand, a nation that violates God's laws incurs a miserable life (20:124). A nation that upholds God's laws is guaranteed to be a great nation. This is not a mere idealistic dream; since God is in full control (10:61), His guarantees and promises are done. more >>

Criminal Justice

If a thief steals a thousand dollars from you, and they put him in prison, what do you get? If the thief has a wife and children, what is their crime? Why should they be deprived of their father?

The Quran solves this problem, as well as the problems associated with the criminal justice systems prevalent in today's world. more >>

Should Bernie Madoff be freed and made to pay some restitution?

What, then, precisely, is the point of jailing him? He is no direct threat to anyone. Society would not be safer because he is in the slammer. He is not going to rob people or beat people up. He might write a book and donate the funds to charity or make some restitution to his victims. I, for one, would like to read that book.

Instead, taxpayers will be forced to pick up the tab for his living expenses. Victims get nothing. That's not justice. That's inhumane for both sides of the transaction: Bernie and us. more >>